Leaves & Vacations


Main Menuà Time Management à Leaves & Vacations 

Through these screens, you will be able to manage your employee's time-off transactions by adding editing, deleting, affecting their balances directly through the adjustment page, checking your own leaves and vacation transactions, and requesting more.


Manage Time-offs


Through this page, you will be able to check your employee's time-off transaction details and approval status. And using the smart search filter you can find the needed records based on what you write in that field.

Add New time off-transaction:

To add a new time-off transaction:

  1. Click on the Add button.
  2. Select the employee's name
  3. Choose the type of the transaction type. 
  4. Choose the time. (If leaves will count as hours if the vacation will count as minutes).
  5. Write a note (Optional).
  6. Upload attachment (if is it mandatory).
  7. Press Create time-off transaction button. 

By clicking the Show button, the transaction details will appear as shown in the next screenshot.

By clicking the Edit button, you will be able to update Approved and Added by HR transactions as shown in the below screenshot.

To show the terminated employees list: Turn the Inactive employees ON

Manage Adjustments

Through this page, you will be able to adjust the employee's vacation balances with plus or minus amounts by adding adjustment transactions for them. Also, you can check all the added transactions and edit them.

To add a new transaction, all you need to do is to click on the button Add, and the next screen will appear.

On this page, 

  • Choose your employee.
  • Select the balanced vacation type.
  • Add the effective date of the transaction
  • Insert the amount with noting that you can add minus value (Example: “-3”).
  • Click the button Create to add this transaction to your list.

My Transactions

Through this page, you will be able to check all your requested transactions and their approval status.

By clicking the Show button, you will be able to view your requested transaction details, and you can request to cancel it if it was approved or to withdraw it if its status was pending.

Request New Time-off

Through this page, you can request your time-off transaction by selecting your transaction type from the drop-down list Leaves & Vacation, 

  • Add the duration based on the selected transaction type.
  • Add your attachment if exist.
  • Click the button Send Request to send it to the approval committee.