Setting Up Time-Offs on ZenHR



There are four types of time offs that you can define on ZenHR, which are:


  1. Annual Vacation: refers to paid time off provided to employees as part of the employment contract, and according to the company’s policy, any remaining balances can be moved to the following year.
  2. Casual Vacations: refers to paid or unpaid time off provided to employees for specific events in their life, such as maternity leave and marriage leave.
  3. Leaves: refers to the number of minutes allocated for employees to take personal time off, for example, leave can be taken to attend a doctor’s appointment.
  4. Sick Days: refers to paid time off from work that employees can use to stay home and address their health needs. In this type of time-off, you can choose whether the remaining balance will or won’t be moved to the following year. 


Leaves & Vacations Setup


User Menu à System Preferencesà Leaves and Vacations

Annual Vacations


Through this page, the user will be able to define the vacation types that will have their balances moved automatically to the next year.


By clicking on the “Edit” button, the below screen will appear:



Balance Type: You can choose the balance to be normal or contractual; If it’s “contractual”, the annual vacation will be calculated based on the contract duration.

Number of Consecutive Days Allowed: The number of days in a row that the employee can take each time. *Consecutive days mean days following one after another. 

Exclude Holidays & Weekends: Select if this type of vacation transaction will be excluded from the weekends, which is defined in branch setup and holiday setup.

Accumulative: Select if the balances will be added accumulatively to the employee based on his/her hiring and current date.

Exceed Balance: Allow employees to request time off transactions even if they don’t have enough available balance.

Vacations time setup: To select the open balances based on the number of working years for the employees, and the number of days allowed to be moved to the following year. Please check the image below for an explanation. 



  • Service Duration: Add the vacation balance that the employees are entitled to according to the years of continuous service he/she has spent at your company. 
  • Open Balance: Number of vacation days entitled for the employee each year.
  • Carry balance: Number of days allowed to be moved to the following year from the remaining balance.

Other Settings: 

The below screenshot shows other settings related to the vacation type, such as:

  • Exclude holidays: If checked, holidays will not be deducted from the vacation duration.
  • The ability to request this vacation: If checked, employees will be allowed to request this type of vacation.
  • Enable In-advance salary: Calculate in-advance salaries for employees, if checked you should add the minimum vacation duration.



Sick Days Off

Through this page, the user will be able to define sick vacation types, which its balances will be opened automatically every year according to the setup.


By clicking on the “Edit” button, the below screen will appear:



Balance Type: You can choose the balance to be normal or contractual; If it’s “contractual”, the annual vacation will be calculated based on the contract duration.

Allowed after ‘x’ from hiring date: Select number of days, months or years after hiring date that the employee will be allowed to take sick days off after.

Repeat Every: Select the number of days, months, or years that this vacation will be renewed. For example, Sick days will usually be renewed every year for the employee.

Balance in Days: Select the number of days allowed for the employee each year.


Attachments are Mandatory: If it’s enabled, the employee will be obligated to attach a sick leave report whenever he/she submits a sick leave.

Other Settings: The below image shows other settings related to the vacation type, such as:

  • Exclude holidays: If checked, holidays will not be deducted from the vacation duration.
  • Ability to request: If checked, employees will be allowed to request this type of vacation.
  • Exceed Balance: Allows employees to request time off transactions even if they don’t have enough balance.

Casual Vacations

Through this page, users will be able to add any other type of vacation based on the company’s regulations. For example, a marriage leaves, and to set up whether any time off transaction will be deducted from the employee’s salaries.



By clicking on the “Edit” button, the below screen will appear:


  • Exclude holidays: If checked, holidays will not be deducted from the vacation duration.
  • Ability to request: If checked, employees will be allowed to request this type of vacation.
  • Allowed number of consecutive days: The number of days in a row that the employee can take. *Consecutive days’ means days following one another.
  • Allowed after: Select the number of days, months, or years after the hiring date that the employee will be allowed to request this type of vacation after.
  • Salary Deduction: The user will be able to define the salary deduction percentage of this type.


Through this page, users will be able to add leaves types based on the company’s regulations and to set up whether any time-off transactions will be deducted from the employee’s salaries or the balanced vacations.

By clicking on the “Edit” button, the below screen will appear:

  • Number of consecutive hours allowed per transaction: Select the maximum number of hours allowed in one request.
  • Allowed after ‘x’ from hiring date: Select the number of days, months, or years after the hiring date that the employee will be allowed to request this type of leave after.
  • Total number of minutes allowed: Select the number of minutes allowed per day, week, or month.
  • Number of transactions allowed: Select the number of times the employee can request this type of leave.
  • Salary Deduction: The user will be able to define the salary deduction percentage for this type.
  • Other Setup: the below image shows the other set up for the leave:



  • Allow Employee to Request: If enabled, employees will be allowed to request this type of vacation.
  • Allow the manager to non-deduct: If enabled, a manager will be given the option to accept the request without deducting it from the employee’s balance/salary.
  • Makes Notes and attachment mandatory: If enabled, employees will be obligated to add notes and attach files when requesting this type of leave.