Termination and Final Settlement 


In case of resignation or retirement, you will need to terminate an employee and calculate their final settlement in order to complete their offboarding process.


How to Terminate Employees and Calculate Final Settlement


Main menu ? Employees ? Employee Affairs ? Employee Management

 Click on “Show Filters”, search the name of the employee you’d like to offboard and click on “Filter”.



Then click on the employee’s name to go to their profile. On the employee’s profile, click on the Offboarding tab.



 Then you will start the termination process by following these steps:



Select the Boarding template, which includes the tasks you’d like the employee to complete before termination. Such as returning the assets, or more.



Choose the Termination Date, which is the last working day for the employee, the Category (Retirement, resignation…), and add any additional Notes, if any. Then click “Terminate”.




After clicking on “Terminate”, the employee is considered terminated, even if you didn’t complete the process.


Create Vacancy 

You can create a new vacancy for the terminated employee’s position during the offboarding process. You can do this by completing the fields under the Create Vacancy tab, or you can skip this step (optional ). 

*This step is only applicable if you integrate with ZenATS. 


Termination Salary 

You can choose the details related to the terminated employee’s salary under the Termination Salary tab. Once you’ve selected the desired options, click “Calculate”. 



Field Name


Calculate end date

To add the last day of working (termination day) to the number of working days for the employee.

Out of Salaries

To calculate EOS out of salaries report. 

Include Full Vacation Compensation

You can choose the number of days that you want to pay to the employee by disabling this option (less than or equal to the employee balance as of the termination date).

If the balance is negative, it can’t be modified, and it will be deducted from the settlement.

STB type

Select the needed STB type based on your setup; types will be shown based on the termination category.

Exclude social security

To exclude social security from EOS Salary. (This step is optional)


The system will show you the final settlement slip; you can Download, Delete, or Calculate it again if needed. 




  • In order to calculate the employee's final settlement, you have to make sure that the termination month salary is not calculated. 
  • You can view the terminated employees from Main Menu ? Employees ? Employee Management ? Use the Filter option ? Terminated ? Yes. As shown below:



If the employee is in charge of the system or has some pending tasks, you must take the necessary actions to complete the offboarding. Below are some examples:



Error Message


This employee is in some approval committees.

Appears if the employee was in an approval cycle.

This employee is a direct manager of other employees. Please delegate the granted role.

Appears if the employee is a direct manager of other employees. And the system asks to select a substitute for the direct manager.

This employee has some pending approvals.

Appears if the employee has any pending requests.

This employee has some pending/approved transactions after the termination date.

Appears if the employee has requested a transaction after the termination date

This employee is in some task templates.

Appears if the employee has any pending tasks.

This employee has some asset assignments.

Appears if the employee holding any assets.


To view all the pending tasks, scroll down to take the necessary action on each transaction.