Enhanced Employee Login and Password Management 

We are happy to announce that we have made several enhancements to Employee Login and Password Management on ZenHR. These new enhancements allow admins to change employee/user usernamesunlock accounts, and reset passwords for employees/users as well.


How to Change an Employee/User Username

You can change or edit the username of an employee/user by following the below steps:

Go to the Main Menu → Employees → Employee Affairs → Employee Management 

  1. On the Employee Management page, click “⋮” then click Import Employees”.

  2. Then select “Update Existing Employees”.

  3. Download the template, and in the sheet, change the username of the desired employees under the Username column.

  1. Then save the sheet and upload it under Attachments.

  2. Then click “Update”.

To change a username when adding a new employee/user:

  1. On the Employee Management page, click “Add New Employee”.

  2. Then, on the User Info page, add the desired username under the new Username field and continue the steps.

Or To change a username when adding a new employee/user:

  1. Go to User Menu → System Preferences → User Management  → User Setup

  2. On the User Setup page,  add the new employee detail along with the desired Username

Note: If the username field is left empty, it will be the same as the email, which will not be unique. Please create a unique username to ensure utmost security.

How to Unlock the Account of an Employee/User 

Only Global Admins, Global HR Admins, Superadmins, and HR Admins can unlock accounts.  

Go to the Main Menu → Employees → Employee Affairs → Employee Management.


  1. Select the desired employee from the table.

  2. Then, on the employee's profile, under their picture, click the “Unlock” button.

  3. A popup will then appear to confirm if you would like to unlock this employee's account.

How to Reset the Password of an Employee/Use

Only Global Admins, Global HR Admins, Superadmins, and HR Admins can reset passwords.  

Go to the Main Menu → Employees → Employee Affairs → Employee Management.


  1. Select the desired employee from the table.

  2. Then, on the employee's profile,  under their picture, click the “Reset Password” button.

  3. Create a Temporary New Password for that employee. 

  4. Once created, the  Temporary New Password should be given to the employee to log in. When they log in, they can then change their password to what they desire. 

Note: The employee cannot log in until they change the Temporary New Password. If they do not change it, they will be logged out.