Roles and Permissions on ZenHR

We're excited to announce a robust new addition to ZenHR, "Roles and Permissions". This feature provides admins with the ability to customize user roles to suit their unique requirements, granting them greater control over access within ZenHR. With this feature, administrators can create custom user roles that match the specific needs and responsibilities of their team members. Whether you have employees, managers, or executives, you can design roles that reflect the unique tasks and privileges associated with each role.

*Note: The new Roles and Permissions page will be available for Global Admins ONLY.

Key Highlights about the new Roles and Permissions page:

  • Customize Roles: Admins can now create and edit roles to match their team's unique requirements.

  • User Management: Effortlessly manage users assigned to roles, ensuring that the right people have access to the right functions.

  • Admin Control: Fine-tune access levels and details, enhancing security and efficiency.

Phase 1 of this new release:

We've initially released customization options for 5 key pages on the access list:

  • Attendance Recommendations

  • Manage Adjustments

  • Manage Attendance Records

  • Manage Moved Balances

  • Manage Time-offs

This marks only the initial phase of our journey. Rest assured that our commitment extends to progressively extending this feature to encompass the entire system in the very near future.

How to assign and manage Roles and Permissions:

  1. Roles and Permissions Page: Start by going to the System Preferences > User Management > Roles and Permissions, where admins will find all the existing and new roles listed with all the needed details for each one.

  • 2. Create or Edit Role: Here, you can create new roles or edit existing ones to align with your team's needs.

  • 3. All Users Page: Easily manage users who hold specific roles. Assign roles to users across the system to manage access effectively.