ZenATS Reports 

ZenATS's new and enhanced reports are designed to provide comprehensive insights and streamline your hiring process. Figure out where the best candidates are coming from with detailed Sources Reports, track your hiring efficiency with the Number of Hires & Fill Rate Reports, and monitor your recruitment timelines with the Time to Hire Reports

Additionally, our Users and Vacancies Reports offer in-depth analysis of user and vacancy actions and activities. To make your reporting even more efficient, you can easily export graphs and tables with your desired recruitment data. 


How to Access Reports on ZenATS

To access the reports, go to the main menu on the left and click on the last icon, Reports.

Sources Report 

This report will help you view the source of all the candidates and provide a breakdown of the most successful ones. 

Set filters to find your desired data, including branches, departments, vacancies, and specific time frame, and the results will be displayed in a graph and table.

Source Breakdown

The table will categorize the number of candidates that came from the following sources: 

  • AI Recommendations 

  • Directly applies 

  • Facebook & X (Twitter)

  • LinkedIn: Shared link, Job Posting, & Easy Apply

  • Uploaded candidate 

  • Referral 

  • Akhtaboot 

  • Copied from another vacancy

  • Added from the Talent Pool 

The table will also show the total number of candidates who progressed through the vacancy stages and were hired - from each source. 


Here you’ll find a breakdown of referrals in a separate table, allowing you to assess the quality of referred candidates by each referrer. It’ll show how many candidates applied through each referrer, the number of candidates who advanced in the hiring process, and the number of candidates who were ultimately hired.

Number of Hires & Fill Rate Report

This report will provide you with detailed metrics on hiring activity, including the number of hires, the vacancy fill rate, and recruiters' involvement.

Once you set the filters to your desired criteria, two graphs will appear One for the number of hires and another one for the vacancy fill rate. 

A table will also display the details of the vacancy(s) including: Creation Date, Closing Date, Number of Hires, Fill Rate, and the Recruiters. 

To view the details of the hired candidates, click on the number under the Number of Hires column.

To view the recruiters involved, click on the number in the Recruiters column.

Time to Hire Report

This report will help you understand the time taken for candidates once they first enter the pipeline up until they are hired.

Once you set the filters to your desired criteria, a graph will appear and a table with the following information: Vacancy Creation Date, Vacancy Closing Date, Average Time to Hire, Recruiters, and the Number of Hired Candidates. 

Users Report

This report will help you view the actions taken by users within a specific time frame.

The report will include the following information:

  • User’s namerole, & the number of candidates they moved to stages

  • Number of vacancies created candidates uploaded 

  • Number of emails sent to candidates

  • Number of events created for candidates

  • Number of comments added on candidates’ timelines

  • Number of offersfeedback forms, and invitations generated and sent. 

  • & more!

To view the vacancies created by the user, click on the number in the Created Vacancies column: 

Vacancies Report

This report will allow you to understand the most used actions within your vacancies & will help you better analyze the most common reasons for disqualifying candidates.

After setting the filters to your desired criteria, the following information will be displayed: 

  • Vacancy activation date & most recent activity. 

  • Applications Breakdown: total number of candidates who applied to the vacancy, number of qualified, disqualified, and hired candidates. 

  • Action Breakdown: The number of activities taken within the vacancy. 

  • The number of disqualification reasons 

  • The number and percentage of qualified & disqualified candidates who moved forward in each stage, compared to the total number of candidates who entered the stage. 

Export Graphs & Tables 

You can export graphs as JPEG or PNG formats and export tables as CSV or PDF formats by clicking “Export” beside each graph or table.