Creating a New Salary Package on ZenHR


If you want to make any changes to an employee’s salary package, you need to create a new one, as each salary package has historical data of the created salary packages that the system automatically saves. Therefore, if you want to keep this information, you need to create a new salary package instead of editing the existing one.

How to create a new Salary Package

To create a new salary package, follow the below steps: 

Main Menu à Employees à Employees Management à Employee Profile à Creat a new Salary package


Make sure you fill out all the required fields, including:

  • Salary Count: Keep it 12, unless the employee receives more than 12 salaries per year.
  • Family/Personal Exemption: Exemptions that are applicable to the employee. For example, each employee in Jordan has a personal exemption by default.
  • Taxable: Make sure to activate this field, if the tax is applicable to the employee.


Social Security Salary


In the Social Security Salary section, make sure to fill out all the required fields, including:

  • Social Security Salary: The salary that is subjected to social security.
  • Effective On: The effective date of the new salary package.
  • After filling out all the required fields, click on the “Create” button.

*Note: The system will reject the creation process if the employee salary was calculated for the current period.

Adding a Recurring Transaction to a Salary Package

Make sure that the allowance or deduction transaction that you want to add to the salary package is a repeatable transaction.

  • Click on “Add Recurring Transaction”.
  • Select the transaction.
  • Set the start and end dates.
  • Activate the “Custom Setup” button so you can overwrite the amount if needed (used if the given amount is not the same as the amount that is defined in the settings).
  • Enter the amount override (used to enter the amount that should be paid for the employee if the “Custom Setup” option is activated).
  • Click on “Add Recurring Transaction”.