ZenHR’s native integration with NetSuite allows customers to push/transfer their employees’ data and the calculated salaries from ZenHR to NetSuite to gain all the benefits that come with the most user-friendly HRMS, ZenHR.
How to Activate This Integration
To activate NetSuite’s native integration on ZenHR, you first have to generate the needed API keys to proceed with the integration process.
To generate the API keys, follow these steps:
- Click your user icon in the upper right corner and go to System Preferences → Integration Setup → API Keys.
- On the API keys list page, click the “Add” button.
- Add the API key Name and Permissions.
- Click “Create” to create the NetSuite API key.
- Then click “Edit” beside the API.
- Activate “OAuth1”.
- On NetSuite, go to Setup → Company → Enable Features → SuiteCloud and tick the option “Token Based Authentication” from the section “Manage Authentication.”
- On NetSuite again, go to Setup → Integrations → Manage Integrations.
- Click “New” to set up a new integration.
- Name the integration name “ZenHR_Integration” and make sure to select the State: Enabled, tick the option “Token-based authentication”, select the Scope: RESTLETS, and uncheck the options “TBA: ISSUETOKEN ENDPOINT”, “TBA: AUTHORIZATION FLOW”, “AUTHORIZATION CODE GRANT”, and “USER CREDENTIALS”.
- A Consumer Key and Consumer Secret will be generated. Make sure that you copy and save them as they only appear once.
- To get the Authorization Realm from NetSuite, go to Setup → Company → Company information, and copy the Account ID.
- Copy the Client ID and Client Secret to your API Key setup in ZenHR.
NetSuite: Creating New User With Role
- On NetSuite, go to Setup → Users/Roles → Manage Roles, and create a new role.
- Make sure that the user can access all subsidiaries.
- The user can list accounts, departments, employee records, and employees.
- From the Setup, make sure that the user has full permission on the user access token.
- From the Transactions, make sure that the user has full permission to make journal entries.
- Link the user that you will use for the integration with this role, noting that the user should not have an administrator role on NetSuite.
NetSuite: Creating New Access Token
- Go to Setup → Users/Roles → Access Token and create a new access token.
- Select the integration Application Name, the User, and the Role.
- Insert the Token Name.
- Then click “Save”.
- Copy the generated token details and keep them with you, as they will only be generated once.
NetSuite: Running The Scripts
- Go to Customization → Scripting → Scripts and create a new script.
- Upload the scripts from your computer and then deploy each with Status: Released and Log Level: Debug.
NetSuite Scripts
You can find and download the scripts through the link: NetSuite Scripts
GL Accounts Script
*@NApiVersion 2.1
*@NScriptType Restlet
define(['N/search'], function(search) {
function _get() {
var searchQuery = search.create( {
type: search.Type.ACCOUNT,
columns: ['name', 'isinactive', 'type', 'subsidiary']
var resultSet = getAllResults(searchQuery)
log.debug("the accounts count: ", resultSet.length)
return resultSet;
log.debug('SCRIPT STOPPED', exception);
return {
code : 404,
message : 'Something went wrong! ' + exception
function getAllResults(searchQuery) {
var results = searchQuery.run();
var searchResults = [];
var searchId = 0;
do {
var resultslice = results.getRange({ start: searchId, end: searchId + 1000 });
resultslice.forEach(function(result) {
accountId: result.id,
accountName: result.getValue('name'),
isInactive: result.getValue('isinactive'),
accountType: result.getValue('type'),
subsidiaryId: result.getValue('subsidiary')
} while (resultslice.length >= 1000);
return searchResults;
return {
get: _get,
Employees Script
* @NApiVersion 2.0
* @NModuleScope SameAccount
* @NScriptType RESTlet
define(["N/record", "N/search", "N/log"],
function (record, search, log) {
var exports = {};
const options = new Array("hireDate", "birthDate", "gender", "releaseDate", "maritalStatus", "class", "department", "location", "supervisor", "subsidiary")
function createOrUpdateEmployee(params) {
try {
log.debug("create/update Employee start", "Script is running");
log.debug("with params", params);
var employee = getEmployee(params.custentityHRId);
return (employee.id) ? updateEmployee(params, employee.id) : createEmployee(params);
} catch (error) {
log.debug("something wrong", error);
return { statusCode: 401, message: "something is wrong!" + error.message };
function getEmployee(employeeId) {
log.debug("employee search", "Searching for existing employee");
var employee = search.create({
type: record.Type.EMPLOYEE,
filters: [["custentity_ns_zenhr_employee_id", "is", String(employeeId)]]
}).run().getRange({ start: 0, end: 1});
return (!employee[0]) ? false : employee[0];
function createEmployee(params) {
log.debug("create", "creating employee");
var employee = record.create({
type: record.Type.EMPLOYEE,
isDynamic: true
return saveEmployee(employee, params);
function updateEmployee(params, employeeId) {
log.debug("update", "updating employee");
var employee = record.load({
type: record.Type.EMPLOYEE,
id: employeeId,
isDynamic: true
return saveEmployee(employee, params);
function saveEmployee(employee, params) {
for (var key in params) {
if (params.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (options.indexOf(key) >= 0) {
employee.setText({ fieldId: key.toLowerCase(), text: params[key] });
} else if (key == "custentityHRId") {
employee.setText({ fieldId: "custentity_ns_zenhr_employee_id", text: String(params[key]) });
} else {
employee.setValue({ fieldId: key.toLowerCase(), value: params[key] });
log.debug("saving employee", employee)
employee.save({ enableSourcing: true, ignoreMandatoryFields: true });
return { statusCode: 201, message: "Saved Successfully!" };
exports.post = createOrUpdateEmployee;
return exports;
Employees Script
* @NApiVersion 2.0
* @NModuleScope SameAccount
* @NScriptType RESTlet
define(["N/record", "N/search", "N/log"],
function (record, search, log) {
var exports = {};
function createJournalEntry(params) {
try {
log.debug("Create Journal Entries start", "Script is running");
log.debug("with params", params);
for (var index = 0; index < params.journals.length; index++) {
log.debug("Creating Journal Entry", params.journals[index].name);
var journalEntry = record.create({
type: record.Type.JOURNAL_ENTRY,
isDynamic: true
journalEntry.setText({ fieldId: "trandate", text: params.journals[index].date });
journalEntry.setText({ fieldId: "subsidiary", text: "Group : " + params.journals[index].subsidiary });
journalEntry.setValue({ fieldId: "memo", value: params.journals[index].memo });
for (var line = 0; line < params.journals[index].lines.length; line++) {
log.debug("Adding Line", params.journals[index].lines[line])
journalEntry.selectNewLine({ sublistId: "line" });
for (var field in params.journals[index].lines[line]) {
log.debug("Adding field", field)
if (field == "paymentMethod" || field == "employeeInternalId") {
} else if (field == "account" || field == "location" || field == "name") {
journalEntry.setCurrentSublistText({ sublistId: "line", fieldId: field, text: params.journals[index].lines[line][field], ignoreFieldChange: true });
} else if (field == "department") {
journalEntry.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: "line", fieldId: field, value: getDepartmentId(params.journals[index].lines[line][field]), ignoreFieldChange: true });
} else if (field == "debit" || field == "credit") {
journalEntry.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: "line", fieldId: field, value: params.journals[index].lines[line][field].toFixed(2), ignoreFieldChange: true });
} else {
journalEntry.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: "line", fieldId: field, value: params.journals[index].lines[line][field], ignoreFieldChange: true });
journalEntry.commitLine({ sublistId: "line" });
log.debug("saving Journal Entry", journalEntry)
journalEntry.save({ enableSourcing: true, ignoreMandatoryFields: true });
return { statusCode: 201, message: "Created Successfully!" };
} catch (error) {
log.debug("something wrong", error);
return { statusCode: 401, message: "something is wrong!" + error.message };
function getDepartmentId(departmentText) {
var department = search.create({
type: record.Type.DEPARTMENT,
filters: [["name", "is", departmentText]]
}).run().getRange({ start: 0, end: 1});
return (!department[0]) ? "" : department[0].id;
exports.post = createJournalEntry;
return exports;
ZenHR: NetSuite Integration Setup
- On ZenHR, click your user icon in the upper right corner and go to System Preferences → Integration Setup → Financial Integrations → NetSuite Setup.
- To get the needed URLs from your NetSuite account:
- Go to NetSuite → Customization → Scripts → Script Deployments
- Click “View” in the needed script record.
- Copy the External URL to add it to the ZenHR NetSuite integration setup.
- Step 1: Enter the API key that you created previously.
- Step 2: Activate the toggle in the Employee, GL Account Identifiers, and Journal Entry sections and add the External URL retrieved from your NetSuite account.
- Make sure that the branch name on ZenHR and the subsidiary name on NetSuite match.
- Make sure that the organization levels (work location, departments, etc.) match on both ZenHR & NetSuite.
- Using the following options, set up the way that your salaries’ journal entries will be created and how they’ll match the voucher.
Then, you will be able to set up the way that your salaries journal will be created and how the voucher will match, with the following options:
- Use clearance accounts to match debit & credit: Yes or No.
- Generate new journal for company contributions: Yes or No.
- Journal type: Summary or Detailed
- Group by (If Journal type: Summary was selected).
- Create a new journal for each group (If Journal type: Summary was selected).
NetSuite: Adding Customized Fields
- On NetSuite, go to Customization → Lists Records & Fields → Custom Entity Fields from your NetSuite account, and click on new.
- Insert the label “zenhr_employee_id”, and the ID will be generated as “ns_zenhr_employee_id.”
- Select the type “Integer”.
- Tick the option “Store Value”.
- Select the option Employees from the section Applies To.
Note: Before activating the employees' integration, make sure to insert ZenHR employees' internal ID in the new custom field.
Adding NetSuite Subsidiary ID
To link your branch to the correct NetSuite account:
- On NetSuite, go to Setup → Company → Subsidiaries list.
- Find the Subsidiary ID.
- Then, on ZenHR, click your user icon in the upper right corner and go to System Preferences → General → Branch Setup.
- Add the Subsidiary ID
Adding NetSuite GL Identifiers:
To add Payroll GL Accounts:
- On ZenHR, click your user icon in the upper right corner and go to System Preferences → Financial Setup → Payroll Setup.
- Enter the relevant details under GL Accounts.
- Then click “Update”.
To add Financial Transactions GL Accounts:
- Click your user icon in the upper right corner and go to System Preferences → Financial Setup → Financial Transaction Types → Income & Deductions.
- Open the Financial Transaction Type by clicking “Edit” on the Transaction Type record.
- Enter the Amount, GL Account Number, Clearance account, Minimum, and Maximum.
- Then click “Create Financial Transaction Type”.
To add Loans GL Accounts:
- Click your user icon in the upper right corner and go to System Preferences → Financial Setup → Financial Transaction Types → Loan Types.
- Open the Loan Type by clicking “Edit” on the Loan Type record.
- Enter GL Identifier and Clearance account.
- Then click “Update”.
To add Overtime GL Accounts
- Click your user icon in the upper right corner and go to System Preferences → Financial Setup → Financial Transaction Types → Overtime Types
- Open the Overtime Type by clicking “Edit” on the Overtime Type record.
- Enter GL Identifier and Clearance account.
- Then click “Update Overtime Type”.
That’s it; your NetSuite integration will now be complete!
How to Use This NetSuite Integration
Now that you’ve successfully integrated NetSuite with your ZenHR account, you can now post salaries from ZenHR to Netsuite.
To post salaries from ZenHR to NetSuite, follow these steps:
- On ZenHR, on the left side of the page, go to Main Menu → Payroll → Manage Financials → Manage Salaries.
- Select and filter the salary year and month for all employees.
- Then click “Send to NetSuite”, and your salaries will be transferred as journals.
NetSuite Failed Posts Events Viewer
- To retry sending failed posts, go to User Menu → System Preferences → Integration Setup → Financial Integrations → NetSuite Setup.
- On the Events Viewer page, click “Retry”.
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