Candidate Tags  

ZenATS’s Candidate Tags allow you to categorize candidates based on any criteria you like. Adding tags to candidates helps you highlight and identify specific aspects of candidates that are important and that you need to know during the recruitment process. 


Assigning Tags 

You can add tags to candidates by clicking on the candidates either in a specific job vacancy or in the Talent Pool.  

Once you click on the desired candidate, you can assign a tag to them by clicking on "Add Tag" under the candidate's name.   

Adding a tag to a candidate in a job vacancy: 

Adding a tag to a candidate in the Talent Pool: 

After clicking "Add Tag", once you start typing, a list of previously added tags will appear. You can either select a predefined tag from this list or write the new tag you want to add to the candidate. 

To save a new tag you made, click on the checkmark icon (✓). To remove a tag you added, click on (?)

Mass Assigning Tags 

To mass assign tags to candidates, either in a specific vacancy or within the Talent Pool, follow the steps below:

  1. Select all the candidates you want to add tags to. 

  2. Click on “Assign Tag”. 

  3. Then, in the pop-up, enter the tags you want to assign to them. 

Tags in the Applied Candidates Stage Table & Talent Pool Cards

Talent Pool:

Applied Candidates Stage Within a Vacancy:

Manage Tags

To add, edit, or deactivate a tag, go to User’s Menu →  System Preferences →  Company Settings →  Tags

Filtering Candidates Using Tags

We've introduced a new filter for tags. You can now filter for certain tags in specific vacancies and in the Talent Pool. You can find the filter under General Filters.  

Select the desired tag from the list to filter candidates based on their tags. The candidate results will then be displayed based on the chosen tag.

From the drop-down list, select the tags you want to filter for. Then, choose whether you want the list to display candidates who have AllAny, or None of the selected tags.

Apply Filter By Clicking Tag

You can also directly apply a filter by clicking the tag under the candidate's name. 

Clicking on the tag within the Talent Pool will also filter the Talent Pool candidates with this tag. 

 If you click on the tag while in a certain vacancy, it will filter candidates with this tag from that vacancy.